
"In a cosmos of billions of galaxies. In a galaxy of billions of stars. There's a planet with billions of people. The only one we know of- And every breath we breath is a miracle, our hearts pump, we see, we feel, we taste, we touch our world, and sometimes we forget the pure wonder of the brief journey on earth. My life is commited to making artwork that wakes people up to the miracle of life the value of being human and the transformative power of love. There are moments when we see behind the opaque courtain of life when the infinite one shine through the skin of the beloved and we recognize the game we are in, the journey we are on, the powerfull beings that we are, and the thruth that is worth living for."
- Alex Grey -

5 sept 2009

perfumes y sabores 

Hoy pasé por un negocio que olía a rosas... y me dí cuenta que conozco el perfume a rosas artificial, pero no estoy tan segura de conocer el real... o sea, sí, lo conozco, pero llegado el caso... creo que el que me gusta es el que viene en los jabones, ponele...

Y sobre sabores... comemos cualquier cosa... las cosas de "sabor a" realmente tienen sabor a lo que sea... podríamos, llegado el caso, comer telgopor sabor a otra cosa... no? como que no engorde... ya hay?

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